The M-L rider grunted again, more loudly, and shook his head. He struggled to his feet as well, looking as shaky as Hank felt. “Not giving up to no Lazy-A coyote.”
He threw another haymaker at Hank, but his aim was wild and Hank just took a step back and avoided the blow. His breathing had gotten easier, and he shoved the hair out of his eyes and put up his dukes again.
“Let’s get this over with,” he said.
“Fine talk against a naked man,” the other muttered. He held up a hand, palm out, and Hank grudgingly gave him a minute to catch his breath.
“Might have known you Lazy-A skunks would figure this’d be a fair fight,” the cowboy said with a sneer. “You and them big clod-hoppers kicking a fellow when he’s down.”
“Ain’t my fault you shucked out of your clothes and jumped in our waterhole.”
“Ain’t your waterhole, dammit.” The M-L rider straightened to his full height and raised his fists.