Chapter 7

“Oh, this is Skip. He works with me at the store,” Ivan said by way of introduction.

“Yes, yes, the elf,” Mrs. McGilicutty said, proffering her hand.

Ivan was stunned. Skip took the lady’s hand and laughed.

“It’s all over the news,” Mrs. McGilicutty said. “You were tonight’s top story.”

Ivan shook his head, not wanting to believe it.

“They need to go out for the night,” Mrs. McGilicutty said as she handed Ivan Tootsie’s leash and little lavender doggie coat. She gave Skip Bear’s lead.

Ivan bent and dressed Tootsie, while Skip attached Bear’s leash. They headed back down the stairs. A chilly wind greeted them as they stepped out onto the street. Skip shivered and put his arm through Ivan’s. Ivan smiled down at him.