Peter stares at the dark stain circling his crotch. He remembers Mark unlocking the door to his room, helping him up off the floor, calling room service for more beer. He remembers lying down on the couch now, too, and what had he rambled on about? You should never drink,a voice inside him whispers.
He knows that. Alcohol loosens him up, makes him a little bit spastic, and he can’t afford to lose himself like that. Why would anyone want to be that stupid, even in front of friends? In front of Mark? His brother’s best friend. If Peter said anything dumb, he’ll never be able to live it down. Seth’s sure to find out.
With the slow care of an old man, Peter pushes himself to his feet. He wavers a little as he stands, just until he finds his balance, and he grimaces as he unzips his jeans. They’re so cold, so damp, almost clammy, and he’s never wanted a shower so bad in his entire life.