Chapter 22

Like you didn’t like it, Mark thinks.

“Are we going or what?” Thad wants to know. When neither Mark nor Jamie move, Thad shoves between them out into the hall. “Where’s Peter?”

“Not coming,” Seth says.

Mark ducks out into the hallway. “Why not? There’s nothing else to do.”

Seth shrugs, disinterested. “He just doesn’t want to go. We ready?”

Mark follows the others to the elevator, stopping to jiggle the knob on Peter’s door in passing. Is it just him, or has Peter been distant all day? Mark wonders if maybe he’s upset about what happened between them the night before. What did happen, really? Nothing. Yeah, they fooled around a bit, but they both got off on it. Can’t he see they’re still friends? A little loving doesn’t change things between them.

They are friends, which to Mark means they have each other to lean on. He’s there for Peter, for all his friends. In any way they need him to be.

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