Chapter 36

Then again, maybe not. After all, Mark’s the one outside Thad’s door now, isn’t he? Not Jamie.

Not Jamie.

The thought bolsters him enough to knock. From inside the room, Thad calls out, “Go away.”

Mark knocks again and doesn’t speak, hoping Thad will answer only because part of him wants it to be Jamie outside his door. Sure enough, he hears a frustrated grunt as Thad heaves himself up off the bed or chair or wherever and crosses the room. A bolt disengages, the knob turns, and Mark faces a flushed Thad.

Thad’s brows knit together like a storm cloud above his eyes. “What do youwant?”

Without waiting for an invitation, Mark pushes his way into the room. Thad turns, scowling as he closes the door. He holds onto the knob as if ready to throw Mark out at any minute.