Chapter 22

I heard masculine laughter and quickly glanced at the alarm clock on the night stand. It was after three in the morning. I decided to get out of bed and see what was going on downstairs. Who was here at such an early hour? In my cherry red boxer-briefs I made my way into the hallway and took the stairs one at a time, heading to the first floor.

Questions floated through my mind as I went downstairs. Who was in the kitchen, where the testosterone-boosted laughter was coming from? Was Gray’s stress keeping him up, making him an insomniac tonight? One of the voices was definitely my beloved’s, but who did the other voice belong to? What was my future husband up to, and with whom?

When I reached the bottom of the stairs I made a left and tiptoed through the living room, which was extremely dark, and into the dining room. A nightlight cast a pale blue-white halo on the far wall, and it looked majestic and soothing.