Alexander knew the chips would go soggy if they weren’t eaten soon, but the allure of the sea proved stronger than his desire for crispy chips.
They tore off their clothing and flung it to the sand before racing each other into the water. Both men dived into the gentle waves before surfacing a few metres from the shoreline.
“I envy you living here,” said Alexander.
“Don’t envy anyone until you know them better,” said Christian.
Alexander fell backwards into the water. He loved the sensation of the liquid parting to accommodate his bulk before rushing back to fill the space his body had created. Only his head was poking above the water. The crystal clear sea swirled around his flesh, washing all his cares and stresses away. A giant manta ray passed beneath him, it’s mighty black wings gracefully propelling it forwards. It circled him before swimming across to investigate Christian. And then it was gone.
“What did you bring for dinner?” asked Christian.