Chapter 6

After tightening the girth, I led her to the mounting block and leapt lightly into the saddle. To get her circulation going again, I walked her on the grass outside the competition arena, where I could also watch Sherry and Pirandello perform their test.

Of all the rides of the day, Sherry had the smoothest. Pirandello still shied at the judge’s canopy whenever the wind made the blue canvas move, but allowed his rider to steer him past it.

This gave me five minutes to gather my wits, take more deep breaths, and run through the test in my head.

Sherry was now exiting the ring and passed us as we went in. “Good luck, Catherine!”

My pulse was racing. Please let me stay calm and remember the movements!

I trotted for a few strides, then halted Besca to make sure she was paying attention. I gave her a couple of pats on the neck to soothe her and help me focus. Then I asked her to trot up to the judge’s table, as I’d watched the other horses do. All eyes were on me.