Chapter 5

“Hey you,” I say, flattered to see him. I finish erasing the dry board with two strokes, and direct all of my attention to him.

As usual, the boarder looks tasty to his core. Half of me desires nothing less than to lock him inside the classroom with me and have him do me over my desk, pounding the afternoon away on my twice-his-age bottom. The other half of me is practical and listens to him ask: “Can I take you to lunch?”

Of course. Anytime. Today. Tomorrow. The next day. Whenever he wants. “I’m game,” I answer

We chuckle together for really no reason and I I gather up my books and we trot side by side back to my office, which sits on the other side of the building in Room 101. Once I drop my texts off at my office, he says, “We can take my Frontier.”

“That sounds great. Let’s go.”

* * * *

We have lunch at a sit-down bistro called LuAnne’s, which is located next to Lake Erie and serves the best tuna melts and sweet potato fries in the tri-state area.