Chapter 7

I shrug as I turn back to the sink. “Well, I did give him your phone number.”

“Mom, God!”

Before I can ask what’s wrong with that, Brian storms from the kitchen. From the hallway, he yells, “Stop trying to hook me up with someone, will you?”

“I’m only trying to help!” I holler back.

“Well, don’t!”

Then he storms upstairs, leaving me alone as the dishwasher begins its cycle. I don’t see what the fuss is all about, to be honest. He says he’s the only gay guy he knows, and it’s obvious Robbie would be perfect for him. So why can’t he say thanksinstead of getting mad at me?


* * * *

The number I gave Robbie was the house line, not Brian’s cell phone, because I’m nosy and want to know if he calls.

Which he doesn’t.