And, hey, if I was scared of getting fat, well that’s what the gym was for. Might be especially useful to have a gym instructor for a boyfriend then. Stopping smoking didn’t make you fat. Sitting on your arse, elbow deep in a can of Pringles made you fat. Maybe I am orally fixated, but there are better ways to keep my mouth busy.
What? I’m talking about kissing. Get out of the gutter.
I went home by way of the chemist and picked up some nicotine patches and gum to keep that oral fixation busy until I had the chance to occupy my mouth with other activities. 2
It had been a pretty crappy week. I’d been off the cigarettes for five days, and I’m sure I don’t have to spell out the consequences. On the third day a cold-calling salesman got a fucking earful. I really don’t think he’ll be ringing again.