After a moment, Kate quietly asked, “Is this a huge inconvenience for you two?”
“What, you mean your son?” Lane shook his head, frowning. “No, no. Well, Remy’s a little put out but it’s fine, I promise.”
“Remy’s mad because I’ve ruined his plans,” Kate said. “He actually picked a date to introduce you to Braden, did he tell you that? An exact date in May, planned down to the minute.”
Lane smiled. “Yeah. May tenth. He likes to be prepared.”
“He goes a little overboard sometimes,” Kate admitted. “It’s my fault, I know. He wasn’t always this bad. But then Braden came along, completely by accident, and we got married for the baby’s sake—none of that was in his plans. He’s been trying to get back control of his life ever since.”
“Tell me a bit about Braden,” Lane said.