Remy grinned. “Oh, believe me, I asked.”
Caught up in his lover’s enthusiasm, Lane laughed. “What did you say?”
“When I paid for the rental,” Remy explained, “I asked the guy in the office if they were gay-friendly.”
“You didn’t,” Lane said.
Remy nodded. “I did. Know what he said?”
Lane couldn’t imagine. “What?”
“You have to picture him,” Remy said, setting the stage. “Old man, in his eighties, probably running this place all his life. He sort of looks me up and down and then squints a little and says he’s money-friendly.”
“What’s thatsupposed to mean?” Lane asked with a surprised laugh.
“He said, I don’t care what you are, as long as you pay up.” Shaking his head, Remy added, “I picked him up a bottle of Jack as a present. I mean, he was nice enough, and he looked like a whiskey man to me.”
“Or we could split it,” Lane suggested. “Send Braden to bed early one night and pour each other snifters in front of the fire.”