Chapter 7

“Can it be like this all the time?” Natalie asked quietly, so quietly that Maura started. Natalie never spoke that softly; her volume was always turned to maximum.

“Like what?” Maura asked. “Hiding on the porch from my crazy relatives? Mostly unwelcome and significantly stressed?”

“…just us. Just our family. You and me against the world.” Natalie didn’t look Maura in the eye, putting the arm that was not rocking Camilla around Maura’s shoulder. “I want to always be holding my girls.”

Maura didn’t answer, instead burying her face in Natalie’s neck. She nodded slowly.

For a time, all was evening breeze and stars.

“I’d like that,” Maura finally whispered, her breath on Natalie’s throat making the woman shiver.

Then Maura’s Abuela was calling them to come inside.

* * * *