Thor knew well the routine that was being played out. The captain had been served the dinner that Edgar had brought up from the galley. While the captain ate, the boy would stand at attention by the side of the table, ready to replenish the captain’s wine glass at his command. When dinner was over, he would clear the table and take the leftovers back to the galley. On certain nights the captain would say, “Come back when you have finished your duties.” It was understood further personal, more intimate service was required. However, on this night, he had not asked Edgar to return. The captain had requested Thor come to the cabin instead.
“I am finished,” Captain Allison said, wiping his face with the napkin and pushing away from the table. “Take this away.”
Edgar came forward and cleaned up the remains of the meal. He piled the dishes on a tray and refilled the captain’s wine glass.