Chapter 44

“Quickly, my horse,” Theodore commanded.

Mary fell to the ground, trying to gather her children to her. “My babies, my babies,” she moaned over and over.

“Mary, I need to get them to a doctor. They have burns and the smoke has gotten into their lungs,” Theodore said, prying the children from her arms as Emmanuel arrived with the horse.

He got into the saddle, the slaves took the children, and gently handed them up to Theodore.

“Bring Mary to the house,” he ordered Emmanuel.

He rode off, tempering his speed so as not to inflict more suffering on the injured children. When he arrived at the manor house he shouted for assistance. Servants, hearing his calls for help, rushed out to meet him. Edgar appeared at the doorway. The children were taken from him and carried inside. “Careful now,” Theodore shouted after the servants as he dismounted. “Edgar,” he called. “Take Shadow Wind and go for Doctor Greyson.”