Chapter 25

And I would not.

Brin and Lyra were friends, so the four of us could pal around without anyone complaining. But if I had suggested to Brin that maybe once or twice she could go somewhere with Lyra and leave Kyer all to me, she would’ve gotten mad. Not only that, but someone else might have noticed then and said something. So I had to keep my feelings to myself. I couldn’t share them with my parents, or my Other, or even with my best friend.

No one would understand.

After a few days, I wondered what would happen if I stopped another pill. Not the red one—not just yet, no; if the blue one made me so confused about my emotions, what would the red one do? I didn’t need any more lust in my heart, or love in my soul, and I didn’t need my body to react to Kyer’s anymore than it already did. And the green pill was a vitamin, which I might actually need to take, so that only left one other to try.

The white one.