Chapter 4

??You want to fuck her, don??t you??? I asked.

He exhaled and wrapped his arms around my waist, rubbing my back. ??I want us both to fuck her,?? he said. ??Together.??

I wish I could say the idea of a threesome with Olivia disgusted me, but it didn??t. Actually, it turned me on??a lot.

??She??d never go for it,?? I told him.

??Have you even asked her???

??No, but I know what she??ll say.??

??Olivia may be open to more things than you think.??

??She??s not a whore, Jay.??

??I didn??t say she was. But she??s not a choir girl either. I mean, she climbed into bed with you knowing you sleep with men, didn??t she???