Chapter 8

“Five more. Come on.”

Brandon groaned. “Really? I hate exercise like I hate having a tooth drilled.”

Frank laughed. “And it shows. Come on. You’ve got nice broad shoulders. You could easily build your body up.”

“I used to swim competitively,” said Brandon.

“Ah, so you don’t hate exercise completely?”

Brandon held his arms out in front, ready to do his second squat. “Just this sort of exercise.”

Frank placed one hand on Brandon’s shoulder and placed the palm of his other hand in the small of Brandon’s back. “And down. 3-4-5. And up again.”

Brandon could really feel the burn in the back of his legs.

“Number three,” said Frank, pushing down with his hand.

Brandon lowered himself, slowly, under Frank’s masterful assistance.

“Feet flat on the floor. Back straight. And up again.”