“Just as well I piled the plate up,” he said, placing it in the centre of their little circle. “Any more of you?”
But the children were too busy eating to answer, polishing off the meat first before starting on the potato. While they were eating, Brandon filled the two glasses he had in his room with water.
“Here you go,” he said, offering them the water.
Leanne drank a whole glass by herself so Brandon, feeling a little like a waiter, refilled it, so the others didn’t miss out.
When they’d finished, they stood up and only then did they decide to become sheepish.
Without looking Brandon in the eye, Doonga said, “Thank you, Mitta Lewis.”
“Thank you, Mitta Lewis,” said Leanne as she followed Doonga out into the night.
“Thank you, Mitta Lewis,” said Raylene, quickly.
“Thank you, Mitta …” Diana’s voice trailed off as she hurried out of the room to catch up to her friends.
Brandon chuckled as he closed the door and cleaned up after the children.