Chapter 6

“I don’t like being called a fag,” he said calmly, tightening his grip when the boy choked and scratched at his arm. Panicking. “Next time I hear that word from you, you’d better be offering me a cigarette and a lighter. Got it?”

The boy wheezed and managed a shaky nod.

“Darren, let him go. Let’s go!”

Jayden sounded panicky next to him, and the shop owner was hovering uncertainly. There’d be police called soon, and as fun as it would be to let the kid choke, Darren had better things to do with his evening than listen to Mother negotiate with a policeman. Or hear it all over again when he got home.

Darren dropped him.

“You should give up the fags, by the way, makes you short of breath,” he advised coldly, getting an angry glare but no verbal (or physical) reply, before turning on his heel and following Jayden’s anxious tugging on his sleeve. He hadn’t even spilled his coffee.