“We’re just saying, any time you feel like coming out of the closet, we’re here for you, man,” he said.
“Being gay, it’s totally cool,” Ethan chipped in.
“Why do you always have to ruin the moment?” Darren replied instead. He had no intention of confirming or denying their suspicions. Largely because it was more fun to watch them trying to wriggle it out of him.
“So, is he a potential boyfriend?” Paul cooed.
“No. How is your actual girlfriend?”
“Leave Nessa out of this.” Paul waved it off. “This is about you. We accept you, Hobbit-Hair.”
“Oh, dead accepting.”
“Shut your face. We’re being tolerant, fucking like it,” Ethan snarked.
“By comparing me to boring fuckers with growth problems?”
“I bet some of the hobbits were gay.”
“I bet some of them were straight too,” Darren said. “God, what is your obsession with me being gay?”