Chapter 16

“No surprises there. Come on.” Darren caught him under the arm and hauled him back the way he came, pulling them into the toilets near the empty, abandoned café. His hands were warm and slightly dusty or…Jayden chanced a look, and realised they were inky.

“What have you been doing?” he asked, gesturing at them as Darren tossed him the bottle and leaned against the door.

“Chemistry,” he said. “My biro made like a reaction and exploded.”

Jayden managed a laugh—it wobbled uncertainly in his throat—and ducked his head under the tap. The water was icy and took his breath away, but the mess started to clear as he tugged at the clumps in his hair.

“What did they do it for?” Darren asked, unusually gently.

“I told you, I’m gay.”

“They say that every time? Must get boring.”

“If…if you must know…they said having Costa coffee dates with my boyfriend must be expensive, so I could bring him this instead. It’s free.”