Chapter 80

He found himself scared, and he didn’t like it in the slightest.

He switched his TV on—a hand-me-down from his cousin the previous Christmas—and turned down the sound low on some unrecognisable film on BBC 2. By the time he turned back to the bed, Darren had finished changing and stood twisting his balled-up socks in both hands, staring blankly off into space.

“Here.” Jayden took the socks and dropped them, tugging on the hem of Darren’s T-shirt. “This too. Trust me.”

He had expected some resistance. He almost wanted it. But Darren shrugged out of that too, and when Jayden slid his arms around Darren’s waist and pulled, he went into the hug almost…heavily. Like he was being dragged. When he dropped his head onto Jayden’s shoulder, he dropped half his weight too, and suddenly it just up to Jayden to keep them standing.