Chapter 3

“Mmm. It’s been known to be a great turn-on. I’ve read it’s quite the aphrodisiac. Why, in some circles, well, I won’t go into it, but…” Leslie put his hands in his overcoat pockets and came up empty. “Damn! I don’t have them, do you?”

“Have what?”

“The leashes.”

“No, I thought you did.”

“I suppose we’ll just have to round them up. They know the way by now once they’re set on the right path. Maybe—”

“Are you looking for these?” The barkeep held out the two leashes, and then, before Leslie could take them from his hand, he slapped them down on the bar. “Someone turned them in.”

“Well, thank you,” Leslie said. “Do appreciate it.” And then to Edward, “Nice chap. We should leave him a good tip.”

“Uh-huh, and never come back. Did you see that look he just gave us? He wasn’t exactly wishing us Happy Christmas. And take a gander at the others while you’re at it. They’re not in the least bit thrilled, more likely stupefied. We’ll never be able to hold our heads up in here again.”