Chapter 4

“I hate my family because they’re fine with me being gay, but my relationships don’t get the same treatment as my hetero relatives’. Like my sister, Jen—she’s allowed to be cute and cuddly and PDA at family stuff. Shit, she and her fiancé say ‘I love you’ to each other so often it’s no longer nauseating because I’m totally desensitized to it. Me, though, if I brought a guy I loved to a family function, I wouldn’t be able to do all that stuff like Jen and Ryan. Aunt Mel and her partner Betsy go through the same shit. Like my whole family loves Bet, but her and Mel’s relationship doesn’t get acknowledged. That’s why I hate my family, not because they’re angry, but because they’re willfully ignorant.”

The tree skirt was stuck under my hip and I rolled up on my side, bumping into Corin. His leg and hip was all muscle from what I could tell. The dude probably had like zero excess body fat.

“Sorry.” Corin scooted away from me.

“Why are you apologizing? I knocked into you.”