There were many changes throughout my time with them. We enlarged my room. They acquired another horse, Chester, which they said was theirs, but I was the only one who rode it. Jones died shortly after we got the horse and for a long while we had to live on what Smith could produce. When we had enough to trade, we got a pregnant cow—so two for the price of one.
I was about twenty—keep in mind all these ages are approximate. I was about twenty when I began to want to strike out on my own. Spencer and Harris had been wonderful fathers to me. Every day I learned something new. They had done a good job with every facet of my education. I had no complaints.
I’ll never forget the look on their faces when I told them I wanted to leave home. A man on the other side of the township had passed away and, as is the custom, I filed a claim on his property. And it was granted to me. I had the deed to the property hidden under my mattress at the time I broke the news to them.