Chapter 10

I shook my head. “You can’t stay here.”

“You have the room, though. I can sleep here on the sofa.”

“That doesn’t mean you can lick your wounds here. I’m not your keeper. At one time, I would have helped you because my heart was open to you, but not anymore.”

“You’re being selfish, Daron. I’m down and out, and I need your help. I’m practically begging right now.”

“Why are you down and out?” I asked, curious.

He had his spiel ready for me, I realized. Although the young man hadn’t taken an acting class in his life, he performed like an Academy Award winner in my apartment, just like Melinda Moretell. Tears ebbed into the corners of his eyes, and he began to sob.

“I got fired. My truck was confiscated because I missed the last three payments. I haven’t eaten in two days. And you’re all I have left.”