The kiss ended up being much more potent than the one he had had given me as a gift on the twenty-fifth. The power it exuded felt overwhelming, not that I minded. The sultry kiss played out as being worth my time, overpowering, and caused my limbs to go weak. The stranger named Colm obviously knew how to kiss, so I didn’t pull out of it. Instead, I fell into the power of his enigmatic spell, succumbed to the moment, and felt insatiable, bedazzled, and rather bamboozled.
Eventually, he pulled away and smiled down at me. “Where do you want to continue this, Mr. Tulsa?”
I climbed off the elliptical machine, felt a rock between my legs that hadn’t been there a minute ago, and said, “Follow me. I’ll show you.”
“Lead me astray, guy. I’m all yours. Even if you don’t realize it.”
* * * *