Chapter 10

“Who is it?” Apparently she didn’t tell him, because when he got on the phone, he demanded sharply, “Who is this?”

“It’s Jefferson.”



“I remember you.” For a moment I wondered if he was going to be in a snit because it had been so long, but I should have known better. “I have to say it’s good to hear from you. How are you, mate?”

“I’m fine, thanks. And you?”

“I’m fine, too. Why’re you ringing?”

“I happen to be at loose ends, and I was wondering if you might be also?”

“As it turns out…I do have some time to kill, yes.”

“Just don’t get into trouble, Trouble.”

“You know me, Duchess.” Bart hadn’t covered the receiver, and I could hear what was said.

“That’s the problem—I do know you. Keep yourself alive, all right? I don’t have time to train a new partner.”

“I will.” There was genuine fondness in his voice. “Now, you were saying, Jefferson?”