His voice reflecting his longing, Tate whispered, “I need you inside me.”
Although his heart and body yearned for union with the young man, Julian held back. “You’re sure?” He was almost sorry he’d asked, in case it caused Tate to have second thoughts.
Tate’s response was quick and decisive. He pulled Julian into a deep kiss, pressing his body against Julian’s. Then Tate turned and leaned on his hands over the deck of the pool.
Julian looked down and ran his hands over the tapered back, well defined shoulders, the distinctive V of his flexed triceps. He ran the tip of his erection over Tate’s full buttocks and up and down the cleavage. Finally he pressed against the entry and gradually slipped inside until his groin was pressed against Tate.
Tate shuddered.
Julian stood without moving, relishing the sensation of union, feeling his resolution to turn away from this life fade.