Sitting down at the computer, Caiden booted it up, typed in one of the passwords Kingsley had very reluctantly given Rian, to access the desktop, then went online. Another password got him into Kingsley’s email. Knowing it’s what Kingsley would do, he went through the emails, gave quick replies to a couple of them after checking the sent mail file to see how Kingsley worded replies. With that finished, Caiden went to the Craigslist website for New Orleans. It was where Kingsley posted his classified ads, under ‘Artists’, according to the files. New Orleans, Caiden figured, because the main branch of his company was there. Although why that would matter…He shrugged. Mine is not to reason why.
After filling in the appropriate form, with the heading ‘Looking for ideas’ and the body—’I’m looking for ideas for a special gift for my young bride for Valentine’s Day’—he hit Enter