“If it’s human, or human-like, I can become it. Although I don’t think, if I was being a shifter, I could actually shift into their other form. As far as I’ve been able to determine, and I’ve been at it, so to speak, for around eight hundred and fifty years, it’s impossible for me to become an animal.”
“Interesting. I could cast a Glamour so someone thought you were—I think. Not that you’d ever need that.”
“Besides which, I’d probably have to be on all fours while that happened.”
“No. It’s not that you actually become, say, a wolf. It’s that the person, or people, looking at you think you are.”
“Ah. Right.”
“You’re that old,” Theirn said, when the other part of what Caiden had said seemed to sink in.
“Yes. And if you say I look good for my age, I’m shooting you.” Caiden smiled. “Or telling you, so do you, for someone who’s a hundred and…sixty-five. Right?”
“Yep. The advantage of good genes,” Theirn replied, deadpan.