Chapter 18

Brett chimed in. “I don’t know how long you and Mike have been friends, you said since childhood, but that could have been weeks…not that I’m saying you’re a child. But yeah, what Randy said. Mike will probably throw himself into a pit of vipers, or scorpions, or some such shit, if you leave.”

Randy piped up. “He’ll probably join the gay rodeo as a steer roper, or worse, he might volunteer to referee a drag queen mixed martial arts match. Hell, he might even decide to go straight and all because his best friend left him behind.”

“Holy crap, I never believed Edna when she said one on one you were sweet but together you were worse than rabid skunks. Keep talking men. Prove Edna right.”

There were a few minutes of silence. Then Randy spoke up. “Fine, I like Mike and when he moves back here, I’m going to work my ass off to make him mine. I also know he thinks the world of you. So, it is my duty to work my ass off to keep you here, for the man I love.”