
Chapter 18

“You look good,” Clay said.

“So do you,” I grudgingly admitted.

He smiled. “How’s Evanston?”

“Evanston’s great.”

Clay let out a dismissive laugh. “Have you traded in your Volvo for a Subaru yet?”

“Wow, you’re just full of jokes tonight, aren’t you?”

“More like full of alcohol. I had drinks with some people from work before I even got here.”

“So you’re drunk?”

“I’ve been drinking. I’m not drunk.”

“Please don’t embarrass me or yourself in front of Eric.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it. I’m surprised to see you with him, honestly. He doesn’t look like your type.”

“And what’s my type?”

He looked at me like I was an idiot. “Me. Duh.”

Even though Clay had a valid point, I refused to concede it. “Maybe my typehas changed.”

“You’re still angry, aren’t you? You really need to get over it.”

“I am over it.”

“The hell you are. You look like you want to wrap your hands around my throat and throttle me right now.”