Chapter 2

I made some quick calls to florists in the area to reserve roses in whatever shade of purple they had for me, then got my car from the valet in front of the hotel and drove the ten minutes to our office located on the tenth floor of a swank class “A” building. I ran down the hall after waving distractedly to Adina, our longsuffering receptionist, and knocked three times on Van’s door before entering.

“Van, do you have the card ready—”

I stopped short on seeing our newest intern, Nigel Callum, riding the lap of our esteemed head of finance. I was ashamed to say my cock showed interest behind my expensive slacks. At least the jock I wore kept things in check, to a point.

“Sorry,” I mumbled before shutting the door again.

It was likely that neither man had noticed my presence, as involved as they were in reaching the finish line. I leaned against the wooden frame, waiting for the obligatory sounds of release, gave them two minutes—I counted the seconds—to clean up after that before I knocked again. Time was of the essence, after all. My feelings of disappointment in Van would not be given the light of day.

“Van? It’s Paulie,” I called out. “Did you get my text? I need the company card to use for a wedding emergency.”

“Just a sec,” he replied, sounding muffled and a little breathy, from what I could tell.

The door opened a minute later, both men appearing neat, if a little flushed, when I stepped into the room. Air freshener did nothing to dispel the scent of cum in the air. Nigel was seated in front of Van’s desk, staring at his cell phone. Van had a sheen of sweat on his forehead.

“Apologies for intruding, but I really need that card, please.” I kept my gaze focused on Van’s tie as I spoke. “Viola will explain later, I’m sure. I did send a text, though you were likely, er, busy at the time.”


Had he no shame? Van went over to a safe on the wall and used the combination to open it. Once he got the card and handed it over, I walked to the door.

“Thanks,” I said, “and maybe use a stronger scented air freshener next time. It still smells like someone got fucked in here.” With that pronouncement, I made my exit.

* * * *

Luckily, I was able to find enough roses around town for the wedding, though I gave up on the idea of matching purple vases since I was running out of time. Too bad. Elegant crystal would have to do. Viola could deduct something if she was feeling generous. And wouldn’t you know it? The actual florist for the wedding turned up with five minutes to spare before the start of the ceremony, after all my running around. It made me want to smack someone, but that was how things happened sometimes.

The wedding itself was a gorgeous affair, despite the hideous color theme. Both men were handsome in their matching tuxes and ties. The ceremony had been lavish, lengthy, and extravagant, just like they’d wanted it to be. Frankly, by the time the cake was cut and the reception was in full drunken swing, I was ready to call it a night, though it was only ten in the evening. I had to supervise the cleanup, make sure the caterers, musicians, and all other participants were paid…The list went on.

“Paulie, you look the worse for wear,” Viola said as she came to stand next to me at the back of the hall, a glass of champagne in hand. Her makeup and dress were still perfect, damn it.

I resembled a blond-haired wet hen with a stain on my once pristine white shirt and matching tie. “Well, groom number one’s mother spilled red wine on me, and then groom number two’s father got into a fight with an uncle over…something, and water was thrown. Added to that, I was mistaken for a server and played fetch for the other guests who thought I was their servant for the evening. If you didn’t pay me so well, I’d have quit a long time ago. Who arethese heathens?”

“Sweetie, this is how it works. You know that. We charge so much because people are assholes. Behind every wedding is a good reality TV show fist fight.” Viola took a sip of her bubbly drink. “I know you’ve always loved the ceremony and romance behind this stuff, but I sense the gloss has worn off a bit recently.” She shook her head. “Van’s a fucking idiot.”

I choked on my cream soda. “Beg pardon?”

“Did you catch him fucking Nigel? Van forgets how thin the walls are, and his office is right next to mine. It’s as though he sees an ass and has to plough it, like he’s making up for lost time or trying to prove some asinine point to himself. The man is forty-five years old, and he acts like he’s eighteen. Maybe I should take on female interns only in the future. I know he broke your heart.”

I tried to shrug it off. “I should have known better. While we slept together, I knew he would have trouble committing, but I wanted to believe I could change that. I always have to be Paulie-Pollyanna, thinking everything is love and roses like in the movies and those romances I like to read. At thirty-nine, you’d think I’d know better. Oh, before I forget.” I took the company credit card from my pocket and handed it over. “Give this back to him, will you? Since tomorrow is Saturday and we don’t have anything until Tuesday, I don’t want to forget to return it. I know you’ll be working on the weekend.”

She took it from me with a sigh and tucked it into her bra. “You’re just avoiding him. Well, let me go schmooze the guests. You did good work tonight, as always, Paulie. Thank you.” She kissed me on the cheek and floated away to mingle with the spawns of Satan. I mean, our potential clients.