“That’s been over for a while. He was convenient and willing, and I was callous enough to use him for that very purpose. I haven’t been with anyone since him.”
I was surprised. “Why? You have a healthy sexual appetite. I know you don’t really like being alone for long periods of time.”
“Well, you haven’t been screwing around either, but I don’t hear you complaining,” he retorted.
“I don’t have the time.”
“You keep saying that. What you need is someone in your life to help you makethe time.”
Whatever. “This is a ridiculous conversation.”
Van sat back and closed his eyes briefly. “I’m sorry. I just worry about you.”
My eyebrows hit my hairline. “You never did before, that I know of, and there’s no need. I’m fine, really.”
He didn’t say anything else after that and focused on his meal. What was all this about, and why the sudden interest in my welfare?
* * * *