Darrin led Charlie, now Brad—he’d have to adjust to that—to the bed. They sat down. Brad put his head in his hands.
“This is what I get for breaking my own rules. I shoulda never met anyone here in town, where I play, where I live. ‘Once, Brad only once,’ I told myself. ‘Don’t go back for seconds, no matter how good it is. It’s too dangerous. Someone’s gonna recognize you and that’ll be it.’ I shoulda listened to my own advice.”
Darrin was reminded that he had broken all of his rules about meeting someone, as well. He had done it because there was something about this gentle giant, something he couldn’t explain, that kept him wanting to see more of the guy. “Hey,” Darrin said, now rubbing Brad’s broad left shoulder, “I would never out you.”
Brad looked at Darrin as if he wanted to believe him. Then looked away.
“Why did you decide to meet me again?” Darrin asked.