Chapter 8

I let my head fall to the table. “Stop it, Larry. It’s really not like that. He thinks I’m beneath him. He doesn’t get how the rest of us folks function day to day. Momma said I should try to broaden his horizons. I don’t see why I have to be the one to do it, damn it.”

Larry chuckled, then took a sip of water from his bottle. “Such a drama queen. What’s this guy’s name, anyway?”

“You saw him in the store the other day, remember? When I asked you to take a customer to look at top-loaders?”

He stared at me in shock. “No way, man! Xavier McDay? Dude, if I was gay I would definitely hit that. Man is fine. And loaded. What’s wrong with you? Get off your damn high horse and get in the trenches, baby. Whatever he did to you, you need to get over it. You were always so touchy about stuff like that growing up. Thisright here is why I really call you Mary.”