Chapter 7

“What’s that for? Are you blushing?”


“You areblushing.”

“God, I’m a dork.”

“No, you’re not. You’re just tired and apparently not used to compliments. Why is that?”

“Never thought about it, I guess. Too busy working to think about things like that.”

“What do you do to relax?”

I finished my beer before I answered. “Watch movies, or read. I like mysteries and suspense or crime dramas. I have a backlog of books to catch up on. I’m in the middle of a Jack Reacher novel right now.”

“Oh man. Which one? I just finished the third book in the series.”

“No way! I’m on book number six. It’s really good. I have to force myself to put it down so I actually get some sleep at night.”

“I’m the same way.”

I looked at Mal and noted the way he watched me, like he wanted to say more but wasn’t sure how to approach it.

“You know, Tobie, I wish we could—”

“Wish we could what?”

Mal sighed. “I can’t go on like this.”