A boring life. That's the perfect combination of words to describe Luna's life. It's not like there's anything wrong with her life. In fact, she has it better than most people and she knows it. Just because you have it better than someone else doesn't mean you can't be frustrated with your life.
One day, after leaving work, a strange man starts following her...
The next thing she knows, she's laying in the middle of a giant battlefield with a wooden stake through her chest...
I hate coming back school obliterated my confidence and apparently make me really shy even on typing wowds. Anyways I like the story the moment i saw the yuri tag( pls ignore my ramblings im just trying to get the minimum word count while not using hello's 0///0)
interesting, hope it will be continued.
I like it already, even if it's just the fourth chapter ,.,..,,.., ,.,.,. ,. . , ., . ,.. ,, .,,.,., .,, .,.,, , ,.,..,.,.,.,., .. ,,.,.,.,.,., .,.,., ., , .,.,., ., .,.. , .,.,., . ,.,
Я думаю это довольно интересно начинается. Пока что есть всего лишь 4 главы и я надеюсь на продолжение)
just rq question tf is 1/10 evolution about