Part of him wanted to point out that he’d pegged Scott as a cheater all along, but that would seem petty. Better to just step in and pick up the pieces, right? But why didn’t Jonathan mention anything earlier, like when he’d kicked Scott out in the first place? Or had he, and had Pete simply been too busy with work or his own life, or whatever he’d been tied up with to notice?
Maybe I didn’t want to notice because I still needed an excuse, Peter thought as he finished his burger. Was that it? Was he so afraid of getting turned down by Jonathan—again—that he’d rather turn a blind eye to any chance he might have of getting together with his friend?
It’s obvious he likes me,Peter assured himself. I mean, isn’t it?
If he made a move now, would Jonathan still turn him away?
Peter didn’t know, but really, wasn’t there only one way to find out?
He signaled for the waitress to bring him the bill. Am I ready for this? Do we want to take things to the next level? We’re good as we are—