Chapter 5

Paul led the way. It was his fourth trip to the toilets since they’d started drinking. Beer always did that to him. They stood at adjacent urinals, pissing. Paul had the strongest urge to cast a sideways glance in Calvin’s direction, but didn’t want to get caught.

“Do you live far from here?” he asked, using the question as a ploy to sneak a peek at Calvin’s cock.

It was large. And uncut. He could just see the tip of the pink head beneath the folds of foreskin. It always amazed him how much pinker the head of an uncut penis was when compared to a cut one, such as his own.

Paul’s eyes were on Calvin as the man turned to face him. He quelled the urge to smile when he noticed Calvin’s eyes going first to his crotch, then to his face. He barely heard the answer because he could feel himself becoming erect. He turned to the urinal, willing his dick to stop growing, which only made it grow faster.

“Peeing can be quite erotic,” said Calvin.