Chapter 3

“She’s been with the firm since my father qualified,” Owen said as they sat again when Mrs Barstow left. “I think the place would collapse without her. Let’s talk about some of your previous jobs.”

Max still retained enough brainpower in the face of Owen’s deep sexiness to spot Owen was testing him as they spoke about his other jobs. He was watching to see how loose-tongued Max might get about previous employers. To see if he’d break a confidence, even if it wasn’t such an important matter as it was here at a law firm.

Discretion, he told himself. I am the soul of it. So he resisted the temptation to launch into any of the anecdotes about previous job disasters he kept Noah and other friends amused with.

As the interview wound up, Owen posed him one last question. “Do you have anything else to say about why we should take you on?”