Chapter 4

“I’m sure maintenance has talked to you, or will do so, about old plumbing that needs to be updated, air conditioning units that should be replaced, and the service elevator keeps getting stuck, no matter how many times it’s fixed. Also, our recycling program is for shit. We used to use two cans to separate the trash, but the effort was half-hearted at best, and there’s no one here anymore to spearhead and keep track of that effort.

“Our cleaning equipment is aging. For example, we steam-clean the sidewalks on weekends, but stuff keeps breaking down. Our vacuum cleaners are ancient. Our uniforms are old. As for the way my staff is treated, the list of slights and pranks played upon them daily is too long to enumerate. I don’t know if this will ever stop, but it would be nice for my team members to be treated with respect for a change. I doubt there’s anything you can do about that, though.