“Get out of my house, you fucking faggot!” my father yelled at me from just inside the doorway while I stood facing him on the steps at the front of the house.
“Please, Dad. Don’t do this.” I couldn’t believethis was happening. What had started out as a great day had become a nightmare.
I’d been so excited to share with my dad and my younger brother Rhys the news about EnerGen and the internship I’d been awarded. A Haven would graduate from college and work with a Fortune 500 company. It was a momentous occasion, one that finally gave me the courage to come out to my dad. But now, everything had turned to shit.
“I can call you whatever I want, boy, though you probably take it up the ass, right? Does that mean I have a girl now? You got a cunt, little girl?” His upper lip curled in disgust.
“Dad, be reasonable.” I could see my brother scowling from where he stood behind our father in the hallway. The whole thing was surreal.
“You come home to tell me you got a job for some goddamn corporation, trying to upstage me, and then, oh, by the way, you’re a cocksucker. What, did you think I was gonna be happy for you?” His stale breath reeked of alcohol.
“Actually, I thought you’d be manenough to accept me.” He flinched, as I intended. In the back of my mind, I had known Dad would react like this, but I had hoped for something more civilized.
We’d never been close, he and I. Dad always worked long hours, and over the years I had become the one who took care of the house, bought the groceries, and made sure Rhys got his homework done.
As hard as Dad worked, he drank even harder. We were an afterthought, most days. I had to budget and sometimes hide cash so Rhys and I could get the things we needed, like clothes and books for school, mostly secondhand. To say that Dad was negligent would be an understatement. Thankfully, Rhys and I had always been healthy and able to fend for ourselves.
I’d worked a lot of odd jobs while in high school, and then tutored in the evenings and on weekends while in college, just so there was a little extra in case we needed it. And we usually did—plenty. At least, thanks to being good at school, I had gotten a full ride to college.
Dad and I were mirror images of each other—tall, red hair, teal blue eyes—but where I was solid muscle, he had grown a beer belly, and now I had a couple of inches on him, too. He liked being top dog in the house, and felt threatened by me. I had never had a word of encouragement from him. Now, he thought he had a reason to throw me out and gain control.
“You’re a perversion to everything that’s decent. I don’t want you infecting Rhys. You’re not welcome here, not anymore.” As if I ever was.
“There’s nothing perverted about the way I am, Dad. And you don’t give a shit about Rhys. You’re just using him as an excuse.”
“Revolting, that’s what you are. Fuck off!” Dad tried to shut the door in my face, but I pushed back, hard. He stumbled a little and fell against a wall. He looked shocked at my strength. I stepped closer to him.
“Where the hell am I supposed to live? And who’s gonna take care of the house now, huh? Are yougonna help Rhys with his homework? Half the time, you’re too drunk to remember your own name!”
The slap across my face came without warning, and the echo of it rang in my ears. It would leave a handprint and there was blood in my mouth. I heard Rhys gasp nearby. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him move forward, but I raised a hand to stop him.
“I’m fine, Rhys.” I turned to face him. He balled his hands into fists, his anger palpable
“It’s not right that you have to leave and he stays. You’re more of a father to me than he’ll ever be!”
“Rhys! Enough, okay? Let it go. Please. It’s been a long time coming.” I touched my cheek. It was warm and stung a little.
“It’s not fair, Ross.” He had tears in his eyes, but he held them back with a will. “You shouldn’t have to do this.” Rhys’s voice was wobbly, but he held firm. It made me sad and proud at the same time to see my fifteen-year-old brother stand up for me. I hated that he had to grow up so soon.