“Did you have a hard time finding the club?” The crowd had grown quickly on the dance floor. The show was about to begin.
“Nope. It was easy.” I sipped my drink. “By the way, congratulations again on the full-time position. Doesn’t it feel awesome?”
“Hell, yeah! I was so excited, I begged my mentor, John, to go with me on Tuesday night to the club so I could celebrate with him and my brother. I couldn’t have done it without him.”
“Yes and no. You’re brilliant all by yourself.” God, did I just gush?
Lee put a hand on my forearm. His touch seemed to sizzle on my skin. “Wait, was that a compliment?” Lee graced me with a sly look.
“Yeah, yeah. Don’t make a big deal out of it. I’m embarrassed enough already.” To change the topic, I said, “Tell me about this band.”
Lee removed his hand and did a little hop. “Oh man! They’ve been around for over a decade. It’s a mix of rock and ska that’s just wickedcool. I fell in love with them when I was a freshman in college.”