“Hey, Ross. Dude! You have enough food to feed an army. So what are you and Lee gonna eat?”
“Funny. Have a seat.” He placed his backpack by the refrigerator and sat.
“Bus ride okay?”
“Yeah, just church people and bums.”
“So, Lee, tell me about this band last Friday night. Ross didn’t say much, though he was a whiny bitch about how he needed to apologize—”
“Watch it, you!”
He ignored me. “So was it a metal band, or punk rock, or something? Ross hasn’t the first clue about music. Hey, how long have you known them? Do you follow them on Facebook? Are they mainly in the southeast? How many members are there?” The questions kept piling on.
I interrupted at one point when Rhys took a breath. “I should have warned you, Lee. Rhys’ll suck all the information out of you if you let him. Maybe he’ll be a lawyer one day, or a cop. Hey, we need a cop in the family. How about it?”