Chapter 15

“Sandwiches work for now? I gotta go back to the apartment and get clothes and stuff for the rest of the week. And your favorite ice cream, too. Though it might melt on the way back here.”

“Leave it until Saturday. We can celebrate then. I’ll make root beer floats.” Rhys liked to make his floats with mint chocolate chip. It was an acquired taste.

“Cool. Get the sandwich meat and bread out of the fridge, please? I need to check the rest of the house real quick.”

I left him in the kitchen and ran upstairs. My old room looked just as I’d left it, weeks ago. It seemed a little foreign now. I’d gotten used to my little place at Safe Haven.

I walked passed Rhys’s room and opened the door to Dad’s former sleeping quarters. It smelled awful. I opened the windows to get some air in there. Clothes lay all over the floor, and the sheets were soiled with…Actually, I didn’t really want to know. We would have to do a thorough cleaning of the house later in the week, after the sentencing.