Chapter 10

Belatedly, I noticed the clouds getting darker, but I was too lost in my thoughts to take a hint of what was probably going to be a monster rainstorm.

Why had I acted like that with Sully? Hell, why do I alwaysdo that? It was as if I had no control over my mouth. I had learned to keep my opinions to myself growing up out of sheer self-preservation. So when I moved to New York, it was as if the dam had broken, and all my pent-up frustration and opinions and what-have-you came pouring out.

Apparently, they still were. I knew Sully had only been trying to lighten the mood, and it wasn’t as if his view wasn’t valid. God, I could be so full of it, sometimes. It was a complaint my roommate had had with me almost daily while I lived with him. Maybe I needed someone laid-back like Sully to remind me not to take life so seriously.